Saturday, March 12, 2011

How to : Use Google to find Templates or Patterns

For the Busy/Quiet book Tutorials, there will be instructions to "Google a suitable template" and I thought I should explain my methodology when doing this.

There are a couple ways I find templates. The first (and usually fastest) is with Google Images.
Go to (or your regional site) in the top, left hand corner is a "Images" link. It will take you to Google Images.
Enter your search terms. I suggest that you do several searches for your desired pattern. for example, if you're looking for a flower template, search each of: flower template, flower pattern, flower silhouette.
Scan through the results and see if something suitable comes up!

The next option is a Google Advanced search . You can access this link from the main Google page, right beside the main text entry field. The reason I suggest trying this is because you can set the File Type to a .pdf, a very common file type for patterns or templates. However, it's not as nice to scan over as the image search and will probably take more slogging through to get the results you want.

The last option is a regular Internet search. Sometimes people don't label images well or they have a great "how-to" but no pictures.

Hopefully this will be helpful to someone!

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